How Popular is Asphalt Paving in South Florida?
The vast majority of South Florida’s ( and the nation’s ) roadways from local main streets like Military Trail to Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach to I-95 are paved using asphalt. From parking lots to driveways, asphalt is the number 1 choice of South Florida home owners and business owners. Why is asphalt paving so popular?
Asphalt offers unbeatable properties such as noise reduction and superior traction. Newer types even absorb water! For example, did you know the 3 runways at West Palm’s own Palm Beach International airport all utilize the splash reduction and noise reduction of asphalt. All 4 runways at Miami International Airport are paved using asphalt as well.
Asphalt pavement offers super smooth racing surfaces and impeccable traction for racetracks. 93.9% of NASCAR racetracks are paved with it. In South Florida, the road course and Kart course at Palm Beach International Raceway are made of…you guessed it – Asphalt!
“From a home sales point of view, the driveway’s condition sets the bar for the first impression of the home,” West Palm Beach real estate agent Michelle Esposito says. And everyone knows a new parking lot ( or freshly surfaced and striped one ) casts a great impression on the stores that are lucky enough to have one.
From busy commercial airports such as Palm Beach International to NASCAR racetracks, asphalt’s amazing traction, speed of installation make it incredibly popular and the best choice for your South Florida driveway or parking lot!