Understanding Paving Industry Terms ( Paving Glossary )
Aggregate: Crushed stone used in asphalt pavement mixtures. They come in various sizes, types and grades.
Asphalt: Bituminous asphalt concrete, also called flexible pavement, is a combination of hot asphalt cement and aggregates. It is compacted, placed and cooled, becoming a protective surface for driveways, walkways, parking lots and other surfaces.
Blacktop: Blacktop is a type of asphalt. But the techs at Trinity Asphalt Paving know this is not a term to use generally as it has far too many meanings in varying areas, projects and even companies.
Concrete: A hard building material formed and compacted for a variety of projects. Concrete is usually a mixture of sand, cement, gravel and water. Typically used in sidewalks and some driveways.
Cracking: A break in asphalt layers, the result of aging, weather conditions or weight (loads).
Emulsion: A formulation produced with ingredients not typically mixed.
Hot Mix: A mix generated with traditional asphalt plants and a finish with temps of 275 degrees or higher.
Joints: The area where differing “pulls” of asphalt join. It is often referred to as a seam.
Overlay: The placement of new asphalt over an existing surface. Also known as resurfacing.
RAP: Acronym for Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. It is the process of removing or reprocessing pavement materials. They are then used for reconstruction and resurfacing or to gain access to buried utilities.
Reflective Cracking: These are cracks in the asphalt overlay payment. They are typically caused by damage in the pavement reflecting through the overlay. Trinity Asphalt Paving uses proven and specialized procedures and materials to reduce the issue.
Resurfacing: See Overlay.
If you have any questions about resurfacing, seal coating, driveway paving or any other asphalt or concrete related topic, just call us and we’d be happy to help you! Call (561) 889-2615 or click for a FREE QUOTE.
Seal Coating: When the project requires preserving, protecting and beautifying asphalt surfaces, seal coating is applied. Used generally on off-street and low traffic locations, this can be an asphalt or coal-tar emulsion.
Slope: The angle of a paved surface to manage the drainage of water.
Sub-grade: The way soil is prepared to support a pavement system or structure.
Tack Coat: A type of emulsion, tack coat is an asphalt oil applied to pavements during overlaying or repairs. It creates a bond between new and old surfaces.
Warm Mix: A relatively new technique that uses temps as low as 175 degrees. Lower temps minimize fuel costs and allow the use of recycled pavement.
Have a project you need help with? Call Trinity Asphalt Paving at (561) 889-2615 or click for a FREE QUOTE.